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Srinivas Arka is a world renowned philosopher, inspirational speaker and author in the field of experience based spirituality through intuition. He has developed Human Positive Potential Programs and is the founder of the Centre for Conscious Awareness (CCA) registered charities worldwide. He is known for his work serving communities around the world.

Srinivas Arka was born in India, raised in the Vedic tradition amidst a family of whom he is the third generation yogi after his grandfather, father and mother.

Educated formally in the field of Sanskrit Literature, he received a Masters Degree in English Literature and currently speaks seven languages. 

He developed his own intuitive method and began traveling extensively, having conducted his line of work in four continents over the last three decades, sharing inspiration and insightful guidelines that have transformed thousands of people´s lives.

Srinivas Arka

Entrepreneur, #1 Best-Selling author, mom and motivational speaker

One of his main contributions is the theoretical and experiential approach, to the field of intuition from which the unique meditation method Arka Dhyana flourished.

It involves rewinding one´s past and uniting mind, heart, and soul which paves the way in uniting the exterior universe through respect and love.

His guidance offers a rare combination of scientific understanding with the blissful insights of spiritual experience, nourishing both the mind and the heart.
Srinivas Arka continues to profoundly touch the lives of many through his worldwide lectures, seminars, workshops, charitable foundations, literature including his books and CDs,

and media interviews.

His lectures at educational institutions include universities, medical colleges, schools of philosophy and science, Congress and UN affiliated organisations, on a variety of topics and concerns.

Arka Dhama Ayurveda in India has also been established to help strengthen our physical, mental and emotional health using ancient wisdom. 


Srinivas Arka has founded Centre for Conscious Awareness (CCA)

Registered Charitable organisations globally.

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Dr Abilash Mallikarjun Psychiatrist, England, United Kingdom

"With his energetic presence Srinivas Arka accelerates healing at body, mind & spiritual levels. Staying in tune with the cosmic will, he has the ability to clear karmic obstacles with his intuitive approach. Just being in his energetic presence feels purifying & graceful. One can go into deep states of stillness and tranquillity through his spiritual guidance.” 

Kanda Sami Goundar
Lautoka Mill, Fiji Sugar Ltd

“I continue to practice intuitive silence every morning. I can confidently say that through the methods taught by Srinivas Arka in IIP I have been able to experience growth and many promotions throughout my career and obtain the senior position in which I am currently in at the same company."


“Logic is a powerful tool that should be used when needed.

At other times one needs a break from it to enjoy peace and allow the mind to become refreshed so it can re-apply the tool effectively”. 


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